Gaming is a lifestyle

Archive for April, 2012

My prayers have been heard!

In my last post I was talking about how there was only a month till Diablo 3 was being released and how badly I wanted a beta key, and it turns out that my prayers have been heard! The manager of CopenhagenGames gave away a few beta keys to the crew, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of them. But of course it shouldn’t be that easy for me… Turns out Blizzard had some problems with their servers or whatever it was, and that every time I tried to activate my beta-key I got an error, yay..! I tried to add it a few times a day for a few days but without luck. But yesterday Blizzard decided to have an open beta weekend, where everyone could enter the beta and have a look at Diablo 3! So today the game finished downloading, and I finally had my first look at Diablo 3, and it looks awesome! But so far I’ve only managed to try multiplayer out, due to some errors when I’m trying to start singleplayer, and I do not approve! Hopefully the lovely chaps at Blizzard will fix it soon so that I can play properly!

But not only did I get a beta key for Diablo 3, Blizzard also decided to finally give me my Mist of Pandaria beta key! I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet, but I’m very much looking forward to it! I mean, who doesn’t want to be a panda? or at least kick some panda ass!

So yeah, open Diablo 3 beta weekend, so all you have to do is log on (or create an account if you don’t have one (dont worry it’s free)) and download the game! And while you’re at it go subscribe to the World of Warcraft annual pass to get the Mist of Pandaria beta!

That’s it for now I think, I’m just waiting for my brother to pop online so that we can kick some Skeleton King ass!
Mike is over and out!

ETA: Less than a frigging month!!!

Alright peeps! It’s April 16 and there is now less than a month till Diablo 3 is being released (on may 15), and I can’t bloody wait! Although that might be a bit of an exaggeration since I can and do have to wait, but that doesn’t make me any less excited about the game!

With less than a month to go I sort of should start to look into the details that have been released about the classes, minions and especially the lore! But to be fairly honest, I really can’t be bothered with it, I’m just hoping to get a beta-key from someone so that I can explore D3 as soon as possible, but obviously without luck… been trying to get my hands on one for ages by liking and sharing stuff on facebook and whatnot, even a tournament thingie every now and then, but sadly Fortune hasn’t been nice to me!
So in case you somehow managed to get a beta-key, feel free to hand it over!

I really don’t know much about the game, but I’ve heard from people, that the gameplay is very much alike Diablo 2 and that the lore should be epic, so I’m really in the dark about the game but I am very much looking forward to it! So who ever tried the beta or just stalked youtube vids, blogs, forums etc. is more than welcome to give me some information about it on the pros and cons and all that!

If you are one of those people who never played Diablo or Diablo 2, I can HIGHLY recommend this game! (well, not diablo 3, but the other two!) The game is filled with awesoemness, and no one in their right mind would dislike this game! And the looks of it is brilliant as well, I’ve been looking through hundreds of screenshots from the game and I love it!
(PS. If you’re not planning to buy the game, then feel free to buy me a collectors edition)

May 15 can’t come soon enough!

But for now I’ll return to my homework (yay)

Copenhagen Games 2012

What’s up guys! For you who doesn’t know, last week we had the annual Copenhagen Games here in Copenhagen (Duh!) and it was awesome!

I found out about Copenhagen Games around half a year ago, and back then, I wanted to see if I could get good enough to be in any of the tournaments they had.. I mean, why not? I’m playing all the games already so might as well give it a shot! But of course, to be able to compete you’d have to be pretty darn good, so in the end I volunteered as Crew for the event, and I sure as hell don’t regret it!

They started setting it all up on Monday last week, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to show up the two first days due to my brother visiting me here in Copenhagen. So I showed up on Wednesday, but there wasn’t much to do at the time, since they already set everything up, but after the event started, it was as if I never stopped working.. We showed up around 9-10 in the morning and left around 2 am, where after we had free beers at the bar! So basicly you’re lucky if you got more than 5-6 hours of sleep! I think I’ve slept around 25 hours since Wednesday (not counting yesterday of course), but I can guarantee you that it was worth every hour of sleeping that I lost!

But the LAN it self was rather epic as well.. We had 4 tournaments in total (CS1.6, CSS, Starcraft II and League of Legends) and we had some pretty big names here as well.. In Starcraft II we had the biggest names in Denmark, and a few from the big teams in the world, which was pretty darn nice! And our CSS tournament was definitely the biggest CSS event of the year.. We had all the top teams in the world, so in my opinion you could say it was the world championship!

(Random pic of the main stage, from CPH Games official facebook)

I think I heard something about this being the 5-6th biggest LAN event in Europe, which if you ask me isn’t bad at all, and with the prize pools and amount of players that we had, it was darn good! Can’t wait till next year!

This is my first LAN event and if this one was just half as good as others, then I’m sure as hell going to a lot more, and guys… if you’ve never been to one, then DO IT! Come to Copenhagen Games next year, you wont regret it!